“Whenever we pull the race card, they can be like: ‘De quoi vous parlez?’”

Constructing stance through code-switching in reported speech





reported speech, code-switching, discourse analysis, construction of stance


This research focuses on code-switching in reported speech as a tool to construct stance. It has been argued that reported speech can never be recontextualized (i.e., removing fragments of a discourse from its original context to insert it in another one) without changing the meaning of it, thus creating intertextual gaps—discrepancies between the original meaning of a speech event and the meaning of the reported speech in its new context. Speakers can insert their own stance in a quoted speech using a variety of linguistic features such as code-switching, i.e., shifting languages within utterances. My data is drawn from a podcast episode hosted by two women who code-switch between French and English. My results show that the language choice and the code-switching are motivated by their attitude towards the person quoted, more specifically whether they support them or not.


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How to Cite

Laplante, M. (2022). “Whenever we pull the race card, they can be like: ‘De quoi vous parlez?’”: Constructing stance through code-switching in reported speech. Working Papers in Applied Linguistics and Linguistics at York, 2, 51–64. https://doi.org/10.25071/2564-2855.18


